Northeast Region Safety

What's new in Safety

In the latest Beacon: - There are a few articles written about specific units, and there are a few articles written by safety officers out in the field. These are the kinds of stories that I would like to see more of! If you have an event you’d like to talk about, or a minor mishap you learned from, please let me know. Is there a case where you changed your safety plan because of something you learned? Is there a safety checklist that works well for your unit? Are your cadets involved in your safety program in a unique way? These are all things I’d like you to share. Send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. - The safety survey will be on-line in SIRS on November 1. Read more about it on the first page of the Beacon. Set some time aside to meet with your squadron commander so you can work on the survey together. As I say in the Beacon article, this survey will be used by your wing commander to help him assess the “safety health” of squadrons in the wing, so use this opportunity to let your commander know the strengths of your program, the challenges you’re facing, and the needs they can help you with. More guidance will be coming in the near future, so we can make sure this is a useful, helpful tool rather than just a compliance exercise. - SIRS Suggestions? I remind everyone that we want to hear all your ideas on how the SIRS system can better serve you, so we leave no stone unturned when we redesign the system. Any ideas, or minor frustrations you have when you work in SIRS, can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we’ll save each one. Thanks for all you do to reduce risk, and ensure all our members enjoy their CAP experience, “…without getting hurt!” Cheers, George George C. Vogt Chief of Safety This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

windsheer Aircraft safety is a major concern in aviation; in General Aviation, Military and Commercial Aviation, where passengers in airliners rely on the safe systems and qualified pilots. Each time there is an accident or a minor incident in aviation the NTSB looks to find out what the cause was. One of the most dangerous situations in aviation besides mid-collisions and near misses; is Windshear.

The occurs win the normal relative airflow change greatly in speed or direction as you either as change altitude or are simply flying forward and all of a sudden the wind is going a different way. Most experienced pilots have experienced this many times in their careers. In fact you may have noticed this phenomena yourself in a parking lot, it happens all the time. Have you ever observed or noticed flagpoles, which are quarter mile apart. One flag is blowing one direction and another is blowing a different direction. Yet they should be blowing the same way right? Indeed they should, but they are not always are they. Sometimes this is due to terrain and sometimes it is due to buildings in the way, while other times you are simply witnessing the exact problem pilots encounter when they try to fly through such situations.

Now this if you are up high and cruising at a safe speed all you feel is a little air turbulence, but when you are low and slow it is much more critical. This is because the air you are flying through which is holding you up all of a sudden is blowing a different direction and you cannot speed up fast enough in the new airflow to stay up there. Now you see the problem? The is one reason that airports pay very close attention to which way the wind is blowing as you always want to land and take off into the wind for safety.

Some Windshear experiences are well known and many airports are notorious for having them. Once this is known you can adjust your flying to make up for it by coming in a little faster or picking up a little more airspeed before taking off or climbing out to counteract the differences.

So at some airports this is predicable that you will have such wind currents at various times of the year, one serious airport in DFW, happens a lot there, quite serious, sometimes as much as 30-40 kts difference. If you have an emergency or something goes wrong due to these conditions or if you come in too hot (faster airspeed) to counteract this on a short runway somewhere and something else goes wrong, you will definitely need all the pilot skills you got.

Accidents are usually in aviation not just one thing, usually 3 or more things go wrong at once, a comedy of errors if you will, only there is nothing funny about crashing an aircraft. One or two problems may not even be serious, but it ought to wake you up when problems start and other situations start going South as it is a compounding issue. Then, well when some pilot has an accident, the news media and everyone says how could this happen? Wind shear. What they should be saying is how come it did not happen sooner? "Pilot skill" is the answer. The opposite of course being that of the potential eventualities which come to fruition through what we call "pilot error."

Greatest danger: Takeoff and landing

Windshear poses the greatest danger to aircraft during takeoff and landing, when the plane is close to the ground and has little time or room to maneuver. During landing, the pilot has already reduced engine power and may not have time to increase speed enough to escape the downdraft. During takeoff, an aircraft is near stall speed and thus is very vulnerable to windshear.

Safety Staff

NER Director of Safety
Lt Col Diane Wojtowicz

Asst. Director of Safety
Lt Col Brian Benedict

Asst. Director of Safety
Lt Col Charles Freeman

Asst. Director of Safety
Capt Raymond F. Laramie, Jr.

Asst. Director of Safety
Maj Michael Ozer

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Remember Safety at All Times

We take Safety very seriously and Safety is an everyday thing that needs to be included in everything that we do. Safety can not be neglected or bypassed just because it is more convenient to do so.