Inspector General

"Introduction to Inspections" is the initial course required for all Inspectors General (IG), assistant IG's (IGA) and Inspection Augmentees (IA).  Open to all CAP personnel.  Consult your Wing IG if interested.

"Advanced Inspections" is the second IG course, required for all IG's and IGA's.  Any IA's wishing to serve as a Subordinate Unit Inspection (SUI) Team Chief must also complete this course.

The 20 series of CAPRs governs the Inspector General program. All three regulations have been updated in the past two years. Further modifications to the inspection processes (Compliance Inspections for wings, Subordinate Unit Inspections for groups, squadrons and flights) are expected this year. These will include new versions of the CI and SUI guide that will be more practical and mission focused.

All three regulations, as well as the two inspection guides, are available on CAP eServices under the tab marked CAP Pubs, Forms and Regulations.

In general, the best place to get information or deal with situations is at the local level, working with your unit commander.  Your first source for IG assistance or inquiries should always be your wing IG.

The region IG and assistant IGs are available to help with any matter that cannot be answered or addressed locally.

Discrepancy Closure for CI/SUI
On the Go Civil Air Patrol web site:
1) Click Members
2) Click National Staff Areas
3) Click Inspector General
4) Click Inspection Knowledgebase
5) Select relevant worksheet
6) Specific closure directions are in the far right column

Anyone considering filing a complaint should first discuss their issue with their chain of command.
If that doesn’t result in a solution, consult your wing IG or any of the NER IG Staff.  If this also doesn’t work out the problem, the proper form is available at Go Civil Air Patrol:
1) Follow the first 3 steps above
2) Click on Complaints
3) Scroll down . The link to the Complaint form is the last line highlighted in blue.

IG Staff

Inspector General

Lt Col Donald Blumenfeld

Asst. IG/Inspections
Lt Col Bruce Roy

Asst. IG/Training
Maj Ash Chicooree

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