Civil Air Patrol Music

For Wing and Regional Conferences



Before the General Assembly

These John Phillip Sousa selections will provide about 15 minutes of music as the audience arrives.

El Capitan
King Cotton
Corcoran Cadets


Entrance of the Head Table

If your Head Table includes someone of general rank, play the appropriate General's March.
Otherwise, play the Trio of National Emblem.


Presentation of Colors

Drum Roll


National Anthem


Close of General Assembly
Civil Air Patrol Hymn

The Civil Air Patrol is On the Go


Departure of Head Table

Trio of National Emblem


Pre-Banquet Music

These John Phillip Sousa selections will provide about 15 minutes of music as the audience arrives.

Semper Fidelis
The Liberty Bell
The Thunderer
Washington Post March


Entrance of the Head Table

If your Head Table includes someone of general rank, play the appropriate General's March.
Otherwise, play the Trio of National Emblem.



Presentation of Colors

Drum Roll


Close of Banquet
Civil Air Patrol Hymn

The Civil Air Patrol is On the Go

The C.A.P. Is On The Go

We are the C.A.P. we're on the go.
We're always, always, always on the go.
We are ready in peace, ready in war,
Ready for what we're needed for,

Down on the ground, up in the blue,
Set to protect the living likes of you,
From training cadets to flying patrol,
With air supremacy our goal,
We of the C.A.P. want you to know,
We're always, always, always on the go.

In this land of the free,
We'll protect our liberty,
So feel secure to know,
That the Civil Air Patrol is on the go.


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