Plans and Programs

Welcome to the Northeast Region Plans and Programs Web Page. Here you will find information on the various activities the Region is planning such as Conferences and other important events.

Our Mission

The Plans and Programs Department directs and coordinates overall planning activities. The duties and responsibilities of the Plans and Programs Director include the following:

  • Develop plans and programs and monitor the overall implementation of special projects as directed by the commander and higher headquarters;
  • Plan and coordinate region, wing, or group conferences;
  • Formulate plans and programs for the utilization of CAP units in peacetime and domestic emergencies;
  • Interpret and integrate into policy such plans and programs, laws, policy statements, directives regulations, and other communications received from higher headquarters;
  • Provide guidance and cooperate with responsible staff sections in the development of operational plans and programs.

Please visit this page often as items and links may change. If you have any questions please feel free to send us an email.

