NCO Corps


You earned those stripes, now get them back!

Noncommissioned and Petty Officers of the U.S. Armed Forces are valuable assets to the missions of Civil Air Patrol.  Every AFSCMOS or NEC has some application within:

CAP Officer transition to NCO Grades. Existing CAP members who hold an officer grade and previously held an Armed Forces NCO grade may choose to transition to a CAP NCO grade. At the point of choosing to transition the member may choose (1) the current /last Armed Services Grade or (2) the highest NCO grade they qualify for … See CAPR 35-5 ICL 19-08   2 December 2019.

If you have a current military ID card, DD-214, promotion or other official order indicating your rank Civil Air Patrol can put stripes back on your sleeves.

NCO Ranks

Military Grade

CAP Rank

CAP Rank Insignia

E-4 or E-5

Staff Sergeant

 E5 NCO Insignia


Technical Sergeant

 E6 NCO Insignia


Master Sergeant

 E7 NCO Insignia


Senior Master Sergeant

 E8 NCO Insignia


Chief Master Sergeant

 E9 NCO Insignia


Civil Air Patrol NCOs are all veterans, having earned their initial CAP rank in the Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Reserves or National Guard.  Others are welcome to join Civil Air Patrol as Senior Members and may elect to begin training for CAP officer grades.

Civil Air Patrol NCOs can do any job in CAP, including pilot if qualified, with the single exception of command.  CAP NCOs are the professional trainers, technicians, managers, planners, superintendents and leaders that push to successfully complete the missions assigned.

NCOs are considered the backbone of the military by its senior leadership, so too in Civil Air Patrol do the men and women who make up the CAP NCO Corps provide the framework upon which success is built.

Contact your nearest squadron (find it here) or Senior Master Sergeant Joe Milano, the Northeast Region Command NCO (at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).